Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kool-aid playdough recipe

Here is a great homemade playdough recipe that I have been using for years. It's a great activity for your pre-school age children to do while your schooling the older kids. I like the fact that it's safe if they happen to eat some. And it smells great!

Kool-aid playdough

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 pack koolaid (any color you like)
3 Tbsp oil
1 cup boiling water

Mix first three ingredients in a large bowl. Add the last 2. Stir until well blended. Remove from bowl and knead into soft dough. Store in air-tight containers.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I will have to use this for my two year old. Keepning him busy during class/learning time has proved very challenging for me. This last week, well...I learned that i have a lot of patience:-p (I think)
    Miss ya over at HSB. But glad you left the new blog site for us to find ya:)
    Be blessed.
