Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our Day 11/16/11

 Lately I've been asking the kids what they want to do first, and it seems to have made them happier to start the school day. Yesterday, Christian (11) wrote a report about Paramount Pictures, and  Sophie (6) started with crafts.

Today Christian started the day working on his latest passion, 3d computer animation and Sophie did stenciling and drawing.  I was doing my flylady routines, and making pancakes for breakfast when Isaiah (15) reminded me that I needed to bring him to his Algebra class.  It was the time we were supposed to be there!  I turned off the pancakes and we piled in the car to take him. When we got home I didn't bother starting school, but rather I let the kids continue what they had been working on because we needed to go out again soon to pick up Isaiah from class. It's been hard for me to remember when Isaiah's classes are because they are at different times on Mon, Wed., and Friday.

At 11:30 we picked up Isaiah and went to see the pediatrician about Isaiah's allergies, and to get Christian's glasses fixed. After we got home Sophie cruised through her math and phonics workbooks and Isaiah worked on his history homework for Monday's classes. Christian was supposed to be working on writing/grammar (IEW) but he kept talking about what he wants to do for his senior project , and what classes he wants to take for college! I could not get him to focus! I kept telling him that the writing he was doing and the math he was going to do would prepare him for college. He eventually did his writing and math but it took a lot of refocusing. Then Christian, Sophie and I read about ancient Egypt in Usborne Time Traveler.

Around 3:00 I ran to the grocery store to get a few things for dinner and tomorrow's lunch. Then I made pizza for dinner. Sophie played with math blocks, Christian worked on his computer animation, and Isaiah finished his schoolwork.  Then Charles and his girlfriend Jenna hung out for a while and we saw Andrew briefly between his college classes and visiting friends.

 After dinner Sophie and Christian went to AWANA.  During that time, Isaiah, Fred and I watched Emma a movie for Isaiah's writting course Movies as Literature. We turned it off after the kids got home, then Christian practiced piano. My husband played with Sophie and Christian while Isaiah and I tidied up and did the dishes.  I read our Sonlight read-aloud, The Year of Miss Agnes by Kirkpatrick Hill and lastly, my husband tucked the younger kids in bed and I watched a show on Netflix.

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