Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I've realized that I post more about my other kids than I do about Charles, so I thought I'd share a little about him. Charles is a wonderful young man!  He is thoughtful, hardworking, and has a good sense of humor!  He does well in math and science, and is very musical.  He enjoys playing drums, and has taken lessons for a few years.  He could even keep a beat at age 2!  He has an interest in playing guitar, and I'm sure he'll pick it up easily.

Charles has always liked to build things-especially with Legos.  He still likes getting Lego kits as gifts, and using Lego Mindstorms, which has some programming involved.  He also enjoys building with wood, making paper crafts, and is just now starting to get into making model rockets with his dad.  Charles is very outdoorsy and enjoys hiking, fishing, biking, snowboarding, RC planes, Frisbee, and playing baseball.

He is an avid reader, and some of his favorite books are: The Narnia series, the Redwall series, My side of the Mountain, Bill Myers' books, The Series of Unfortunate Events, and The Lion Boy series.

Charles is very responsible, orderly, and has many good habits.  He is diligent about getting his schoolwork finished, and reads the Bible regularly.  I rarely have to remind him to make his bed or brush his teeth, and he will take the initiative to clean up the house if it's getting too messy (this is very unlike my other kids!).

He is sensitive and caring.  He is appreciative and never likes to get rid of something if it was given to him as a gift.  He is a good steward of the things he owns.  Charles is quieter in crowds or when meeting new people, but for the last 2 years he's participated in a a youth group and a weekly homeschool group and has experienced a lot of personal growth.

I am very proud of Charles, and I love him with my all my heart!


  1. I have his twin. Ha! My oldest twin sounds very similar. He is a handsome young man. I know you are very proud.

  2. I sure am proud of him! Thanks for the comment!

  3. Tracey - I am glad you wrote about Charles. I love him!I know him enough to know that all the things you said about him are true. He is going to be very handsome when he grows up. I can see you've been busy with all the activities you've written about. I didn't read it all yet. Those 5 kies are going to keep you really busy for many years to come!I don't quite get all this blogger stuff straight yet! We shall see.....
