Saturday, November 15, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up

I can't believe it's been a year since I've last blogged! We recently moved to a new town that is a little over an hour from where we were living before. We are now renting a house on a lake! What a blessing it has been for our family! We spend so much more time outside! We can sit out on our large deck that overlooks the lake and watch the ducks, geese, hereon and other birds. When the weather was warmer we were able to fish, swim, kayak, and canoe. Christian takes walks around the lake almost daily, and Sophie and Christian can walk to a camp store down the road. One big change is that our son Isaiah ,who just graduated our homeschool, moved in with his older brother. So, we only have two children living at home now.

Here is what we've been doing this week:

Sophie (9)
Math: Sophie has been doing daily timed math drills, and I have recently learned that she likes doing word problems. Everyday we use a free app on my Kindle that has word problems and a book called Bedtime Math that is full of them. After I think we've done enough for the day, she asks for more!  I also got a book at the library called "Teach Your Child Math: Making Math Fun for the Both of You" by Arthur Benjamin and Michael Shermer.  Using word problems I've been able to teach her long division in a fun way!

Language Arts: 
  • Copywork and dictation taken from our read-aloud "Little Britches" by Ralph Moody
  • Reviewing grammar rules 
  • Read "The Right Word: Roget and his Thesaurus" by Jen Bryant 
  • Added words to personal spelling list 
  • Spelling test
  • Silent reading "The Bobbsey Twins" by Laura Lee Hope
History and Science Read-Alouds:
"Little Britches" by Ralph Moody
"Accidents  May Happen: Fifty Inventions Discovered by Mistake" by Charlotte Foltz Jones
"Keeping Time" by franklym M. Branley

  • Sophie has been having fun leaning card tricks! She is using a book called "Magic Handbook Card Tricks" by Joe Fullman.  She has been practicing by showing the tricks to friends and family. 
  • One day this week she made a doll house out of a cardboard box! 
  • Sophie built a model of DNA with Christian using pipe cleaners and beads.
  • Today she had a new friend over to visit.
 Christian (14):
Pre-Algebra-"Teaching Textbooks"Lessons 223-26 & Test 4 decimals and fractions review
Science-Apologia General Science Module 9- What is life and DNA- made a model of DNA with pipe cleaners and beads
History-"The Mystery of History" vol 2 St. Patrick, Attila the Hun, and the fall of the western Roman empire-worksheet 1 review of lessons 1-21
Grammar-Easy Grammar Plus-irregular verbs
Reading-"The Ultimate history of Video Games" by Steven l. Kent & "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis
Copywork/Handwritting- from his reading 
Bible: Teen Bible study on Tuesdays
(Christian and I are starting a study of the book of Genesis next week. I just received the books in the mail today!)

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